Name of the script: server-groups assigner on channels entry
Functions of the script: When an user join a specific channel, it auto-assign the specific server-group (for example: a channel named "Male" and a server-group named "Male" with the our icon)
Why do you want it: Some users of my...
Hello, i created a new TS3 server installer based on baisiK's. Actually it works almost same. Also I added option to start the server and a simple backup tool.
Install/Update(the exe file) - 64 or 32 Bit
Turn ON/OFF TS3Server
Turn ON/OFF Accounting server
Edit hosts file
Backup your...
Use on your own risk!
Because of personal stuff, Sorry!
Original Script was created by Member @AnonymousSV
Basically I translate the Script from Romania to German (English is following soon)
I modify and change the following things:
no sub channel needed (removed)
Hello, i put this code into ini.d from here:
# Provides: teamspeak3
# Required-Start: $local_fs $network
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $network
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
This Software is not from me! But it works perfect.
scan online activity of users
automatically add an user to a servergroup, if reached a predefined online time
separate list for future rankups
inform the user at rankup (as TeamSpeak textmessage)
language-support [at moment english...
This plugin was coded a while ago by me and a friend while we were bored.
Menu Features:
Message a user with a reply instead of getting a poke
Kick a user instead of getting a poke
Copy the correct plugin version into your plugins folder (Only 64 bit supported for now...
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