
  1. 0

    Organize Icons

    Hi, Is there any way to organize icons (the dialog that pops up when selecting one for server/channel-group)? Thank you.
  2. T

    icon installation script

    Hello. Is there a TeamSpeak server icon installation script on the site?
  3. InVaDeR359

    DirtyGaming TS3 Icons 1.0

    Hi there R4P3, Today, I'm gonna share the icons I made for my community, and they will be open for anyone to use, and I'll make sure to keep this resource up-to-date with the newest Icons I make. I hope you like 'em ♥ Designed by InVaDeR359 ®
  4. Rikku

    Suggestion TeamSpeakIconStealer v.1.0 by Rikku

    Hello R4P3 Community. Today i will present you my TeamSpeakIconStealer. It is easy to steal Icons from the Server that you have been visited. The script copies the directory from the TS3 Cache and renames every files to png.
  5. S

    YatQTA Icon Upload Problem

    How would I go about fixing this problem on YatQTA? https://i.gyazo.com/46ffd78b950d17caf9da2f136e0ec66a.png