php script

  1. C

    ABC php script

    I want a php script that moves the rooms on the teamspeak server in alphabetical order.
  2. InSide24

    Auto Idle AFK Mover PHP Bot 1.0

    This bot moves users who have not talked for XXX Minutes (idle) into a defined channel. Functions & Settings: Dont move Client if in defined Groups Dont move Client if in defined Channel Maximal Idle Time in Minutes Channel User will be moved in Message that should be send to User when he got...
  3. A

    Get connected clients

    Name of the script: --- Functions of the script: show all connecteds clients Why do you want it: to use with lgsl Screenshots: --- Original source (if any): --- Other notes: ---
  4. M

    Need Client Points Bot !

    guys can someone give me php script of web panel points ? i mean if someone reac level 1 he will get 50 coins and if he reach level 2 he will get 100 coins and like that understand me ?
  5. Celso

    AntiBadges 2018-01-24

    With this PHP-Script you can kick all clients that using myTeamSpeak badges.
  6. AndryGabry

    help me whit ts3 Framework

    English: How can I get the list of users who have a certain servergoup? (linux debian 64bit , php ts3) //MOD EDIT > English only, edited post to only contain English
  7. Newcomer1989

    TeamSpeak 3 - Ranksystem 1.3.21

    What it is... The TSN Ranksystem is Bot, written in PHP, which assigns time based server groups on your TeamSpeak 3 sever. It is open source and free to use under GNU GPLv3 license. To make an simple example: server group: needed time Level 1 3...