
  1. Ricky89

    Looking for a C++ developer

    Hello to everyone, I'm looking for a good C++ developer who has strong knowleadges with TeamSpeak's SDK for a really big project. If you're interested, send me a PM! Best Regards, Ricky
  2. T

    TS3 SDK Crack IN Process, and waiting for help.

    First, i'm sorry about my (MAYBE) poor english. These days i'm trying to Crack TS3 Server SDK using IDA, and fortunately i achieved something, I can now completely fake an TS3 License File for SDK, and then I need some help on Network Protocol of the Accounting Server. Though i can continue...
  3. Bluscream

    Plugin Developer Reference [What to use]

    Hello, this is not a tutorial, just a list of recommended applications to write a plugin. C/C++ If you want to build a C/C++ plugin you should use Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Professional [Trial] [Mirror] Teamspeak 3 Plugin SDK The reason for this version is that Teamspeak was build upon it...