
  1. h0nus


    Hi everyone, i'm H0nus and today I just want to share one of my little and lame tool, called QRGen. This tool helped me finding various vulnerabilities in QR Code Scanners or how application/web apps handled the data stored in it. It has some pre-made wordlist to...
  2. Asphyxia

    Making R4P3 more fun!

    Recently, we asked you (and the whole community) what content would be interesting here. We received many wonderful answers and I am happy to share them with you in a YouTube format (I do not expect you to watch/listen the entire thing)! If you come up with any other ideas, please reply to...
  3. U

    Help with your own VPS

    Hi, Just found this interesting site with many tutorials about VPS, called VPSServer Maybe some of you know it from before, but for someone who just saw it, there you go! There are tips/tutos about Securing your vps, installing webserver, cpanels etc..maybe someone finds it helpful, especially...
  4. Wooozel

    Part of internet going mad xD cuz of mutex/ocfipreoqyfb/mutex paste ocfipreoqyfb after some of my research its caused by a extension for firefox imho [adware, k-lite codec Pack] if you post on a cms/forum/webapp using...
  5. Kieran

    Approved HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

    Since I started playing with HTTP and HTTPS on my own server for some extra security and fun, I thought it would be nice to have HSTS on the r4p3 forum too. It makes it more secure and will prevent cookie hijacking and downgrade attacks. So you'll always be secure on R4P3. Additionally, an idea...
  6. shockli

    [Cracking WPA2 2/2] Cracking the Handshake

    Hello r4p3 members. This post will show you how to crack a captured key. You can learn how to capture the key from my previous post. Software Required: Windows & Linux: oclHashcat for ATI cards OR CUDAHashcat for Nvidia Cards. Both are available for download at You...
  7. shockli

    [Cracking WPA2 1/2] Capturing the Handshake

    Hello r4p3 members. This tutorial is going to show you how to hack WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) access points. This tutorial specifically covers capturing the encrypted four-way handshake. You only need to get ¾ packets that are sent. My next tutorial will cover cracking the handshake. The Method...
  8. Joxiii

    List of all TS Bots (Not MusicBot) you know!

    I know JTS3ServerMod RbMod have you a Bot like this TS Server : Thanks!