
  1. Asphyxia

    Do you like the Halloween theme?

    Dear Ciphers.Pw community, I am excited to announce we have a festive theme available titled "Ciphers Halloween", you may click And then save ;) Please let me know...
  2. VMRobin

    [XF2-Style] Ortem 2.0.3

    Ortem is a minimalistic design focused around a simple color picker, allowing your members to easily customize the colors of the layout by selecting from a preset array. The header area is large enough to accommodate for big logos and full width banners, and the navigation bar sticks to the top...
  3. VMRobin

    [XF2-Style] Innovate Dark

    Innovate dark is a powerful and multi-purpose theme for XenForo. It is usually ideal for gaming communities, Innovate dark is packed full of options that allow you to modify layout, styling, colours and fonts directly from within the theme settings. Live Preview Main Features of Innovate...
  4. Bluscream

    [Release] DarkenTS Extended

    NOTE: This makes obsolete! Screenshots TeamSpeak: Screenshots Icon set (Preview): Teamspeak Forum Thread...
  5. Bluscream Dark Theme (Stylish)

    Hey guys, i personally hate bright websites cause the literally f*ck my eyes ^^ So i created a style for stylish for :) I know it looks ugly as fuck but im going to improve it in the future! Get Stylish for Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari. Get the Dark theme and Add helpful icons to...