Name of the script: Private Channel for SinusBot
Script is written in JavaScript
Functions of the script: It's a script for sinusbot, that creates your private room or deletes it depends on what users commands bot to do.
Why do you want it: I want to edit to script, so it will move you to your room after creating it and sets you channel admin.
Orginal source (if any):
This may help: or this:
Script is written in JavaScript
Functions of the script: It's a script for sinusbot, that creates your private room or deletes it depends on what users commands bot to do.
Why do you want it: I want to edit to script, so it will move you to your room after creating it and sets you channel admin.
Orginal source (if any):
This may help: or this:
name: 'Private Channel',
version: '1.2',
description: 'Allows certain users to create their own private channel',
author: 'good_live',
vars: {
parent: {
title: 'The parent channel. If set to none the channels will be main channels',
type: 'channel',
groupids: {
title: 'IDs of the groups or clients that are allowed to create a channel. (Leave it empty to allow everybody)',
type: 'string',
placeholder: '12 120 319EN4I/TuSji8VPdK7drJtELn0= 49'
key: {
title: 'Encryption Key (This is used to save the created channels. Just hit something randomly.)',
type: 'string',
placeholder: '_private'
command_private: {
title: 'The base chat command to use the script',
type: 'string',
placeholder: '.private'
}, function(sinusbot, config, info) {
// -- Load messages --
var author =',');
if(author.length == 1){
author = author[0];
author = author.replace(/<.*>/gi, '').trim();
} else {
author ={
return e.replace(/<.*>/gi, '').trim();
author = author.join(' & ');
log( + ' v' + info.version + ' by ' + author + ' for SinusBot v0.9.9-50e8ba1 (and above)');
//Loading config params
//Loading parentid
if(!config.parent) {
var parentid = 0;
log('No parent channel set.');
var parentid = parseInt(config.parent, 10);
//Loading group/clientids
if(typeof config.groupids == 'undefined' || config.groupids == '') {
log('No group/client ids set! Everybody is allowed to create a private channel.');
var groupids = "0";
var groupids = config.groupids.split(' ');
//Loading base chat command
if(typeof config.command_private == 'undefined' || config.command_private == '') {
log('No chat command set, using the default one: .private');
var cmd_private = '.private';
var cmd_private = config.command_private.trim();
log('Using ' + cmd_private + ' as base chat command');
//Loading encription key.
if(typeof config.key == 'undefined') {
config.key = "_private";
log('No Encription Key Set, using the default one: _private');
// -- Recreating "startsWith()" function which isn't included in ECMAScript 5 --
if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
String.prototype.startsWith = function(searchString, position) {
position = position || 0;
return this.indexOf(searchString, position) === position;
//Function to get the channelid based on the channelname and the parentid
getcid = function(cname, pid){
var channels = getChannels();
var c = channels.length;
while(c--) {
if (channels[c].name == cname && channels[c].parent == pid) {
return channels[c].id;
return false;
sinusbot.on('chat', function(ev) {
if(ev.mode != 1) return;
var key = ev.clientUid + config.key;
var obj = get(key);
var buffer = ev.msg.replace(cmd_private, '').trim();
var s = groupids.length;
while (s--) {
var i = ev.clientServerGroups.length;
while (i--) {
if (groupids == '0' || ev.clientServerGroups[i].i == groupids[s] || groupids[s] == ev.clientUid) {
switch(true) {
case buffer.startsWith('create'):
var buffer = buffer.replace("create", "").trim();
if(buffer == ""){
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'Usage: ' + cmd_private + ' create <channelname>');
}else if(obj != undefined){
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'You already have a private channel: "' + obj + '"');
if (getcid(buffer, parentid) != false){
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'A private channel with this name already exists');
if (buffer.length > 40){
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'The given channelname is too long.');
channelCreate({ name: buffer, parent: parentid, topic: ev.clientNick, enc: 1, perm: 1,sperm: 0, order: 0});
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'Channel: "' + buffer + '" created.');
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'Set your password with ' + cmd_private +' password <password>');
set(key, buffer);
case buffer.startsWith('remove'):
if(obj != undefined){
var cid = getcid(obj, parentid);
if (cid != false) {
channelDelete(cid, true)
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'Channel "' + obj + '" removed');
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'Channel has been renamed or deleted by an Admin. Please report this to an admin.');
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'No private channel found.');
case buffer.startsWith('password'):
if(obj != undefined){
var cid = getcid(obj, parentid);
var buffer = buffer.replace("password", "").trim();
channelUpdate(cid, { password: buffer });
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'Password updated: ' + buffer);
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'No private channel found.');
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'Usage: ' + cmd_private + ' <create|remove|password>');
chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'You are not allowed to manage your own private channel');
// -- Information --
log('Loaded !');