How whould you make a interactive conversation between a bot and user?


Aug 31, 2016
Hi TS3 programmers community ;)
I´m making a project that allows to X user of the server to interact, on the private chat, with a bot.
The system that I have on my mind is the following one:
(The following code is an example xddd)

//Wait for a message event...
If ($message == "!help"){
    send_this_message_to_the_client("Don´t worry, I will help you :-)... Tell me what is your problem. 1 or 2");
    //Wait for answer
    if ($problem == "1"){
        send_this_message_to_the_client("Your problem is 1 :-)... Tell me what is your sex. man or girl");
        //Wait for answer
        if ($sex == "man"){
            send_this_message_to_the_client("You are a man :-)...");
        }elseif($sex == "girl"){
            send_this_message_to_the_client("You are a girl :-)...");
    }elseif ($problem == "2") {
        send_this_message_to_the_client("Your problem is 2 :-)... Tell me what do you like. mans or girls");
        //Wait for answer
        if ($like == "mans"){
            send_this_message_to_the_client("You like mans :-)...");
        }elseif ($like == "girls"){
            send_this_message_to_the_client("You like girls :-)...");


The most important part of the php function that I´m using to make this is the following one:
function onTextmessage(TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Event $event, TeamSpeak3_Node_Host $host)
    global $ts3_VirtualServer;
    $type = $event->getType();
    $data = $event->getData();
    $server = $host->serverGetSelected();
    $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $client_data = array(
        'response' => array(
            'event' => "onTextmessage",
            'type' => null,
            'date' => $date,
            'data' => array(
                'targetmode' => $data['targetmode'],
                'msg' => $data['msg'],
                'target' => $data['target'],
                'clid' => $data['invokerid'],
                'client_nickname' => $data['invokername'],
                'client_unique_identifier' => $data['invokeruid']
    $json = json_encode($client_data);
Do you have any idea of how to make this? :p