Hello, is it possible to identify the ID of a server without having access to the query?
I already tried using TS3Hook but I could not find the server ID,
I'll leave an example of the information I want to know if I can find out without having the query.
You can calculate the server identity simply by base64 encoding the sha1 of the server's public key (omega).
I can give you an example if you want. Or I will make a script where you can enter the key to get the identity.
Here is an example:
You catch the initivexpand packet in the ts3hook:
[ IN] initivexpand alpha=Rb4dzJTL9+4dXw== beta=J479MtvK1/avwQ== omega=MEsDAgcAAgEgAiBKGOJE7PLbK5LigQonZHl9Qd7E8Ob4mB87nBsL4tbojwIgKmPM2LQ74Y7kVcsW4LwOVHo1Mgqfagsi+OMI6oV8uxI=
So the server's public key (omega) is "MEsDAgcAAgEgAiBKGOJE7PLbK5LigQonZHl9Qd7E8Ob4mB87nBsL4tbojwIgKmPM2LQ74Y7kVcsW4LwOVHo1Mgqfagsi+OMI6oV8uxI="
You base64 decode it and get the sha1 of the decoded bytes:
8ded34fb1063d65b4964ed6580cf21a7d93bb718 (<- this is hex)
And you base64 encode the sha1 (in bytes) again:
So this is the server's identity: je00+xBj1ltJZO1lgM8hp9k7txg=
If you want you can use the script on my site: https://www.ts-thebeast.net/ts3idtool.php
And if you want the script I can publish a command line and web version of it.
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