in the admin.php page where you manage it, make sure that in the first tab, you haven't check server groups!Hey im using R4P3_GroupAssigner-master,
now i want this:
Script Check if new User group = Guest Then Poke him with Message
All User they not group Guest, dont get Poke message.
Can Someone help me with Code?
sorry for bad english
if (!empty($config['ip']) and !empty($config['queryport']) and !empty($config['serverport']) and !empty($config['loginname']) and !empty($config['qpassword']) and !empty($config['displayname'])) {
try {
$ts3 = TeamSpeak3::factory('serverquery://'.rawurlencode($config['loginname']).':'.rawurlencode($config['qpassword']).'@'.rawurlencode($config['ip']).':'.rawurlencode($config['queryport']).'?server_port='.rawurlencode($config['serverport']).'&nickname='.rawurlencode($config['displayname']));
} catch (TeamSpeak3_Exception $e) {
foreach ($ts3->clientList() as $ts3_Client) {
if ($ts3_Client["client_type"] == 0 and $ts3_Client["connection_client_ip"] == getUserIp()) {
foreach ($config['groups'] as $group) { <<<---------------------- Check if USER a Guest its True then He need to Poke with message its False no Poke
try {
$ts3_Client->serverGroupClientAdd(intval($group), $ts3_Client->client_database_id);
if ($config['send_enable'] == true) {
if ($config['send_method'] == 'text') {
} else if ($config['send_method'] == 'poke'){
log_write($ts3_Client->client_nickname." got assigned to a group (".$ts3->serverGroupGetById($group)." / ".$group.")", "Information");
} catch (Exception $e) {}
As i am not home and i am not able to check my code atm, when i go (in 2 hours max) i will check mine and i will let you know!Nah i mean this...
Code:if (!empty($config['ip']) and !empty($config['queryport']) and !empty($config['serverport']) and !empty($config['loginname']) and !empty($config['qpassword']) and !empty($config['displayname'])) { try { $ts3 = TeamSpeak3::factory('serverquery://'.rawurlencode($config['loginname']).':'.rawurlencode($config['qpassword']).'@'.rawurlencode($config['ip']).':'.rawurlencode($config['queryport']).'?server_port='.rawurlencode($config['serverport']).'&nickname='.rawurlencode($config['displayname'])); } catch (TeamSpeak3_Exception $e) { exit($e); } foreach ($ts3->clientList() as $ts3_Client) { if ($ts3_Client["client_type"] == 0 and $ts3_Client["connection_client_ip"] == getUserIp()) { foreach ($config['groups'] as $group) { <<<---------------------- Check if USER a Guest its True then He need to Poke with message its False no Poke try { $ts3_Client->serverGroupClientAdd(intval($group), $ts3_Client->client_database_id); if ($config['send_enable'] == true) { if ($config['send_method'] == 'text') { $ts3_Client->message($config['send_message'].$ts3->serverGroupGetById($group)); } else if ($config['send_method'] == 'poke'){ $ts3_Client->poke($config['send_message'].$ts3->serverGroupGetById($group)); } } log_write($ts3_Client->client_nickname." got assigned to a group (".$ts3->serverGroupGetById($group)." / ".$group.")", "Information"); } catch (Exception $e) {} } } } }
<<<---------------------- Check if USER a Guest its True then He need to Poke with message its False no Poke