Server Multi-instance... ¿LifeHack?


Sep 26, 2016
Hi guys, i was wondering a way to bypass the multi-instance limitation, for a multi server build for a lan party im working on, bsc ofcourse when i try tu run more than 1 instance y get a wonderfull "Server() error while starting servermanager, error: instance check error"

I tried to use a "for learning use only" unlocked license but it didnt work... So checking some documentation i found this...

To fix this problem, the following commands or file edits need to be done as root user (or using something like sudo). This is a temporary fix until your next reboot.

mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /dev/shm

Now, to make sure this mount is done automatically upon reboot edit the file /etc/fstab and add the line:

tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0

Here some guy/girl of teamspeak tells how to work arround the way the do to "detect other running instances".
Well... So they just told me how to do it?

Maybe this is well kown by you and im just a newbie freaking out, but atm is woking for me.
PS: I'am anything but a pro on this area, so excuse me if i said some kind of BLASFEMY or something that is obbiously wrong...