The Statement about Sponsoring licenses


Knowledge Seeker
Oct 10, 2015

-= TeamSpeak Addict =-

Also ich habe mal meine Glaskugel herausgekramt, und die sagt mir bezüglich der Lizenzen, dass in den nächsten paar Jahren keine großartigen Änderungen an den zur Zeit angebotenen Lizenzen anstehen.

Hey, es wurde die Webseite angepasst! Nehmt bitte die rosarote Brille ab! Außer der demo-Version mit 32 Slots gibt es nichts kostenloses mehr! Ihr wisst, dass es bei Teamspeak JAHRE dauert, bis Webseiten verändert werden, selbst wenn sie kaputte oder veraltete Angaben beinhalteten. Das hat also Bestand.

(Im übrigen ist es völlig legitim, dass Teamspeak das so macht. Sie dürfen das. Es ist ihr eigenes Produkt)


-= TeamSpeak Addict =-

Well, I got my glass ball out of it and they tell me about the licenses that there are not going to be any great changes to the licenses currently available in the next few years.

Hey, the website has been adjusted! Please take off the pink glasses! Apart from the demo version with 32 slots there is nothing free anymore! You know that it takes Teamspeak YEARS to change websites, even if they contain broken or outdated information. So that has it.

(By the way, it's perfectly legitimate for Teamspeak to do it that way. They're allowed to do that. It's their own product.)

The Time of Teaspeak,Mumble and Discord has begone!!
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Apr 25, 2015
never more get an npl or sponsoring license

RIP Teamspeak

I never thought I would say this but I am somewhat feeling like TeamSpeak is going to collapse if they do not take away the outdated licensing system. Personal use such as for gamers should not be paying such high prices for software. There are more effective ways to make money without putting the cost on the software users nor server owners - all users will be driven out for the more affordable alternatives.

Unless TeamSpeak has some massive enterprise sales I am unaware of, I have no clue how they are going to continue without going the investment or venture capitalist route similar to Discord.

Discord shows a global rank of 170. "The company filed paperwork last week to raise about $50 million at a roughly $1.65 billion valuation, its chief executive officer, Jason Citron, told The Wall Street Journal." Discord simply keeps snatching up investors left and right, the investment funds in combination with them pouring that money into talented developers, pushing along a simple idea, and staying persistent has ultimately contributed to their successful growth. While I am not a fan of the business model, I would have to applaud their growth in such short time. Great work Jason, do not sell this platform and let everyone down as the buyer may not keep everything afloat without ads and selling user data. It is likely user data is already sold, I am uncertain though! Initial release was in May 13, 2015.

TeamSpeak has a global rank of 11,001. Andreas Brillen is a wonderful CEO, I have had the pleasure of speaking directly with him on a couple occasions via both email and voice! With their initial release of TeamSpeak 3 was on December 9, 2009 while their prior software was first released in October of 2001. Keep in mind there is a lot of mixed information on TeamSpeak and the organization appears somewhat lacking. This is primarily due to their company being so private in nature and not keeping open communication channels with their community. Keep in mind there is some weird history involving an ex-staff member molesting his stepdaughter for a ridiculous number of years. Cannot find the details anymore, probably some PR removal for damage control - but still wtf man! I will not forget such unfaithful behavior, burn someday soon.

R4P3's domain ranks higher than Mumble's globally although I am unsure if this is accurate.
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