Hey all,
I'm trying to make a script which will record the clients connected to my server as well as the channels they are in. With Bluescream's help I have the .lua file which does this but I need to manually run the command. AFAIK you can't use sleep commands in lua without making the client hang for the sleep duration. I know it would be easier with client query but I don't know PHP well enough to modify any existing tools. If anyone has ideas/can help me with the client query I would appreciate.
I'm trying to make a script which will record the clients connected to my server as well as the channels they are in. With Bluescream's help I have the .lua file which does this but I need to manually run the command. AFAIK you can't use sleep commands in lua without making the client hang for the sleep duration. I know it would be easier with client query but I don't know PHP well enough to modify any existing tools. If anyone has ideas/can help me with the client query I would appreciate.