Unmasking Cloudflare


Apr 26, 2015
So you're pentesting a site and you come across a potentially exploitable vulnerability, but find out you're being blocked by a ClouudFlare WAF... or you're trying do some automated spidering but can't because of their CAPTCHAs... or, you know, you're trying to boot them offline.
Either way, you're probably interested in finding out the real IP of the server. Here I'll discuss the common mistakes admins make when trying to set up CF for their website and how you can use them to your advantage.

The first is leaving a direct-connect subdomain exposed. Sometimes when debugging it's nice to have convenient access to a direct connection to the server, which is why many default CloudFlare configurations leave a "direct-connect" subdomain whose A records point to the direct IP enabled. This will of course lead to disaster if anyone finds out that this subdomain exists. Most of the time it will be something like "direct.cfedwebsite.com" or "direct-connect.cfedwebsite.com", and you can use DNS recon tools like fierce.pl to find these subdomains.

A somewhat related problem is related to leaving direct-connect domains in MX records for your site. Take gamemerk.com for example. If we do a DNS lookup using DiG on the domain, we will get this:
gamemerk.com.        299    IN    MX    0 dc-b9dd4a95.gamemerk.com.
gamemerk.com.        21599    IN    NS    hank.ns.cloudflare.com.
gamemerk.com.        21599    IN    NS    lily.ns.cloudflare.com.
gamemerk.com.        21599    IN    SOA    hank.ns.cloudflare.com. dns.cloudflare.com. 2018460206 10000 2400 604800 3600
gamemerk.com.        299    IN    A
gamemerk.com.        299    IN    A

If we try accessing the IPs in the A records directly, we will get errors from CloudFlare. But see that MX entry? It begins with "dc", and if we resolve that domain to an IP ( and access it directly, we get the actual website! Thus, we have found the real IP of the server.
This happens because Cloudflare does not handle mail, so a direct connection has to be placed in the MX records. Some admins run mail servers and web servers on the same box, which leads to the MX record leaking the real IP.

A related issue is just running other services on the same box as your web server in general. For example, a domain can have no MX records at all, but it still sends mail to users from the same box as the webserver. If we can get an email to be sent to us somehow (eg new user registration, contact form), the SMTP headers on the email we recieve will leak the real IP. Similarly, if there is a TeamSpeak/Minecraft/whatever server running on the same box as the webserver, Cloudflare doesn't protect that, so just connecting and monitoring your network activity will net you the real IP of the server.

Finally, if all else fails, you can try to make the web application running on the server itself send you a HTTP request. For example, phpBB by default enables you to set your avatar by submitting a remote URL. It will fetch the content from the URL to set as your avatar, and in doing so it will leak the web server's real IP to the remote server it is fetching from. If you use a URL from an IP logging service or the server is one you control, you can easily find out the real IP of the webserver.


Dec 12, 2015
I really really fucking love viewdns.info -- they have some excellent tools. One of my favorite techniques for finding where sites are hosted before cloudflare is to use their IP history tool.


You can see the dates.. Chances are the last IP is where they could still be hosted. If not you could at least scan IPs in that range that use HTTP and accept requests for whomever your target is :) This is a common mistake.. people will point the domain directly to their server and switch cloudflare without actually rotating their old IP.
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Dec 12, 2015
Most sites that are hosted on something like cPanel have default subomains of ftp.domain.com and cpanel.domain.com. Often these subdomains will tell you where something that uses cPanel is hosted


Apr 26, 2015
Accessing domain.com/cpanel also seems to work for some sites.

Unrelated trick: on cPanel-managed sites, accessing /cgi-sys/sksjdjsjj (or anything that will cause a 404 in cPanel's end) will return a web page with the email of the site owner. This can be useful if e.g. you are trying to dox someone running a particular site or something.


Apr 25, 2015
Nice mention of Censys.

My favorite options:

Also... if you get a target list of domains you may use ZGrab or ZMap to unmask IP addresses behind TLS (SSL) certificates, more info here https://r4p3.net/threads/finding-cpanel-using-zmap.7715/ e.g. scan every IPv4 address in the world and initiate http or https requests to the IP calling out a specific domain. Hope this makes sense?

Good defense looks like blocking all web server access out except via the load balancer (proxy) server. If anyone is interested I can show an example attack video and example defense video.
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