Hi Guys,
So short story over a year now I have VPN/Proxy users connecting to my website and TS server trolling just about daily.
I use netsh ipsec to block each IP. Do you guys know of any server side script that can check connections connecting to any service on my windows box and stop them from connecting. Looking to monitor whois if possible send alerts or simple block range of all VPN providers
@echo off
set /p ip=Enter IP to Ban:
echo %ip%
netsh ipsec static add filter filterlist="Banned IPS" srcaddr=%ip% dstaddr=me description="Banned IPS" protocol=any srcport=0 dstport=0
echo IP is now banned from the server you can close this window.
So short story over a year now I have VPN/Proxy users connecting to my website and TS server trolling just about daily.
I use netsh ipsec to block each IP. Do you guys know of any server side script that can check connections connecting to any service on my windows box and stop them from connecting. Looking to monitor whois if possible send alerts or simple block range of all VPN providers
@echo off
set /p ip=Enter IP to Ban:
echo %ip%
netsh ipsec static add filter filterlist="Banned IPS" srcaddr=%ip% dstaddr=me description="Banned IPS" protocol=any srcport=0 dstport=0
echo IP is now banned from the server you can close this window.