TS3 Music Bot

TS3 Music Bot 4.5.0

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Additional Requirements
Root Priviledges
Works on KVM only
1) Install Java Oracle 8
Installation Guide: Click Here

2) Modify hosts

While connected on your server as root type: nano /etc/hosts
Inside the hosts file add these two lines:

3) Extract Ts3MusicBotServer_4.5.0 and TS3MusicBot_v4
Type the following commands to unzip the folders' contents:
  • tar -xvf TS3MusicBot_v4.tar
  • tar -xvf Ts3MusicBotServer_4.5.0.tar

4) Edit server_settings.ini and add your server's IP and Port
Type the following command: nano Ts3MusicBotServer_4.5.0/resource/conf/server_settings.ini

Note: If you want to use query mode:
  • Add the music bot's IP in query_whitelist.txt of your teamspeak server.
  • Set teamspeak security level to 8.
  • Then configure query login and password on web interface (

5) Install Screen (if you don't have it)
Type the following command: apt-get install screen

6) Launch Emulator
Type the following commands:
  • cd /path/to/folder/Ts3MusicBotServer_4.5.0
  • screen java -jar Ts3MusicBotServer.jar

7) Launch Ts3MusicBot
Type the following commands:
  • cd /path/to/folder/TS3MusicBot

Choose between query or no query mode:
Query Command:
  • screen ./TS3MusicBot_runscript.sh -account [email protected] -port 8080 -webif-pw ADMIN_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user USER_PASSWORD

No Query Command:
  • screen ./TS3MusicBot_runscript.sh -account [email protected] -port 8080 -webif-pw ADMIN_PASSWORD -webif-pw-user USER_PASSWORD -noquery

Everything should work fine!

Example Command:
  • screen ./TS3MusicBot_runscript.sh -account [email protected] -port 8080 -webif-pw admin -webif-pw-user user
The light blue are the parts that you need to change with your own.​

Parameter descriptions:
  • -account: "your account registered at ts3musicbot.net" (or not
  • -port: optional, default port is 8080. Access over http://yourServer:8080
  • -webif-pw: secure your webinterface with an admin password (full access).
  • -webif-pw-user: webinterface password for users (can only control and upload files, no access to settings).
  • -noquery: Start the TS3MusicBot without server query (webinterface control only).
  • -max-disk-space: Set the maximum allowed amount of disk space to use in megabyte for music+radio folder.
  • -disable-ytdl: This flag disables the "youtube to mp3" functionality (if the server uses too much cpu, disable this feature - recommendation).
First release
Last update
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