ddos protection

  1. Ryukk

    I can do pentest for free to companies. [GAME/TEAMSPEAK] DDoS Protection

    Hi, I have helped many companies in the way of DDoS protection for 4 years and gave recommendations. I have supported companies that do DDoS protection, especially for games and Teamspeak. I tested the DDoS protections. I've helped more than one. I've even been on those servers. The firms I've...
  2. -Simple

    IPTables - Are these rules useful?

    Hello guys, could someone tell me if these rules are usefull and work well? My knowledge about iptables is bad, so I hope someone could check it and maybe improve/change/add or delete something and make it usefull for everyone.. :) #!/bin/sh # Clear old rules iptables -F iptables -X...
  3. XARON

    BLAZINGLAYER - Your DDoS Protected Hosting

    THIS HOSTING COMPANY IS SCAMMING PEOPLE - DO NOT USE THEM (ADMIN EDIT) Tired of getting DDoS attacks? We're aiming to protect your infrastructure to get high uptime for your service. We offer specific customized in-depth application level DDoS Mitigation for every service on top of our brand...
  4. Ryukk

    DDoS Protection VPS List [TS3] [- Tested - ]

    Hello R4P3. I will provide you with a list of servers I have used and tested for 2 years and you will be able to distinguish which is bad and which is good 1. [ HyperFilter ] Your IP address drops to nullroute in attacks 60G and above [60-120 Minutes] 2. [DDoS-Guard.net] They're good at...
  5. A

    blazingfast or nfoservers?

    Hello, I would like to know if "blazingfast" is better ddos protection for ts3 than "nfoservers"
  6. JoKeR

    [Free Trial] DDoS Protected Hungary Teamspeak

    Hello guys, we are happy to inform you about some new and unique teamspeak 3 location. The Teamspeak 3 server is located in Hungary and comes with some decent and unique ddos protection optimized for teamspeak. Location: Hungary - Budapest Slots: 40 Duration: 30 Days Link...
  7. Qwe2390

    Hosteam DDOS Protection.

    Hi Guys just wanna say that hosteam.pl has very very good ddos protection i have like 10 vps from there and nobody can never take it down. They use SRX 5800 Juniper Network As Firewall and are specialy optimized for Teamspeak servers and its not even that much money 1 Vps with 512 MB Ram cost...
  8. D

    Seflow dedicated server VS SoYouStart Game server

    Hi everyone! I'd like to buy a DDoS protected dedicated server and I hesitate beetween Seflow dedicated server (100 Gbps AlwaysON protection) and SoYouStart Game server. What do you think? Which has better DDoS protection for game servers (like MTA:SA, SA:MP) and for voice servers (TeamSpeak 3)?
  9. ixM7MDz

    ●【Talk about the best protections】●

    Waaaazaaap Bros :cool: , Here we can talk about what is the best protection for the teamspeak first of all We will make a points and everyone tell us hes opinion and give it a point [ Points list ] 1Point - This host is shit ->No Protection At all:mad: 2Point - 1Gps and still shit -> There...