cfg - ok@Sharc Check your config and SQL Server
line 18/contents/admin_updates.php
На<li><a href="#"><?php echo $language[$ts3cfg["lang"]]["admin_menu_status_channel"]; ?></a></li>
<li><a href="index.php?s=admin_status_channel"><?php echo $language[$ts3cfg["lang"]]["admin_menu_status_channel"]; ?></a></li>
Take a look at the admin panel of this script there should be the a similar option.dont work all time say
my delay perm is configured for admin query
my server run on version
someone canhelp ? i got this error too, first time create channel it works after that message delay error appear.Create Channel
Sorry, an error occurred while changing the CHANNEL_DELETE_DELAY. Please contact the Administrator !
In config i login - serweradmin, what is wrong?
So i found that the error was dued to the OVH bad configured Databases, and i contacted the support but menwile i created a free DB on "" to test and when i start the website this pops up "connection failed, you are banned"Hello,
I tried to install the script and this is what happened:
So i found that the error was dued to the OVH bad configured Databases, and i contacted the support but menwile i created a free DB on "" to test and when i start the website this pops up "connection failed, you are banned"
Yes, I can confirm that problem. The query account has all required rights (i_channel_create_modify_with_temp_delete_delay & b_channel_modify_temp_delete_delay).