- Jan 30, 2016
- 1,334
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- 254
Before I start, I want to give @Multivit4min a shoutout to giving me motivation for finding such system on google.
He has an awesome (unique) ranking system himself.
This unfortunately isn't as advanced as his system, but it has the basic ranking up / levelling up you receive by being online "x" days, "x" hours, "x" minutes and "x" seconds on the server.
Linux installation:
Windows installation:
Information about each page:
Official website: http://ts-n.net/downloads/ranksystem 0.13-beta.zip
Mirror: http://www.filedropper.com/ranksystem013-beta
Mirror2: http://speedy.sh/ZaWkX/ranksystem-0.13-beta.zip
VT of .rar: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/...37240aacb86f23e88674456c00744b64df7/analysis/
GitHub: https://github.com/Newcomer1989/TSN-Ranksystem
- Copyright to http://ts-n.net/ranksystem.php
He has an awesome (unique) ranking system himself.
This unfortunately isn't as advanced as his system, but it has the basic ranking up / levelling up you receive by being online "x" days, "x" hours, "x" minutes and "x" seconds on the server.
- Scan online activity of users
- Automatically add an user to a servergroup, if reached a predefined online time. (This includes automatic removal of the previous added servergroup)
- Inform the user of rank up by private messaging. (You can edit the private message inside ranksystem/lang.php)
- Simple installation with installation guide webinterface to configurate the ranksystem
- Current language support: English (en), German (de) and Russian (ru).
- Etc, visit their website for the full list.
- Customizable online time -> Servergroup (Rank up progress of your favour, ex: 1 hour = 1 level up / 3 hours = 1 level up)
- Option to substrate idle time from online time for rankup (use active time for rankup)
- Option to inform user per TeamSpeak textmessage at rankup
- Exception of servergroups (Adding a specific servergroup to a client will prevent that client being a part of the rankingsystem)
- Exception of unique IDs (Adding a specific client UniqueID will prevent that client from being a part of the rankingsystem)
- Etc, visit their website for the full list.
- Webspace (webserver)
- PHP 5.2.1 or later with PDO support
- Database; List of potential (tested with MySQL on MariaDB)
- Database user privileges:
create databases and tables (for installation)
select, update, insert and delete entries; should be normal ;-)
alter tables (for update ranksystem)
- TeamSpeak 3 Server Query Account with Permissions:
- Connection to TS-S.NET on TCP Port 80 from your webserver (For the update check)
- Job Sheduler, ex: cronjob (unix) / task (windows)
Linux installation:
1) Unzip the downloaded file called "ranksystem 0.13-beta".
2) Upload the unzipped folder to a directory on your webspace and grant permissions to the webuser (ex: chown -R www-data /var/www/ranksystem).
3) Open the "install.php" on your webbrowser and follow the instructions.
After installation you have to configurate according to your pleasure.
A documentation you find for each parameter as mouse-hover inside the webinterface.
4) Create a cronjob (here described for debian/ubuntu) for the worker to observer the activity of the clients (and more stuff):
Login in to your server via ssh.
Enter the command "crontab -e" (In vim you have to press "i" to be able to edit the text)
Paste the following lines in a new line (you have to edit the path):
*/1 * * * * php /path/to/your/websever/path/to/ranksystem/worker.php >/dev/null 2>&1
If you want, you can edit the connection time..
Standard time is once a minute (Lower time = Higher accuracy)
[60 seconds / 1 minute recommended]
Save and quit the crontable.
The Script is now ready to work.
Open the "list_rankup.php" to see what to do next.
1) Unzip the downloaded file called "ranksystem 0.13-beta".
2) Upload the unzipped folder to a directory on your webspace and grant permissions to the webuser.
3) Open the "install.php" on your Webbrowser and follow the instructions. After installation you have to configurate according to your pleasure. A documentation you find for each parameter as mouse-hover inside the webinterface.
4) Download the worker.vbs, edit the weburl to your worker.php and then upload it to your windows server on a place of your wish.
5) Open the task sheduler and create a new task (windows help) with following option:
C:/Windows/System32/cscript.exe C:/path/to/your/folder/worker.vbs
The Script is now ready to work.
Open the "list_rankup.php" to see what to do next.
Information about each page:
This file scans the activity of the user and counts the online time. On a predefined online time of an user it adds the servergroup.
Shows the next rankups.
Here you can config the main core of the ranksystem and also the style of the list_rankup.php
Official website: http://ts-n.net/downloads/ranksystem 0.13-beta.zip
Mirror: http://www.filedropper.com/ranksystem013-beta
Mirror2: http://speedy.sh/ZaWkX/ranksystem-0.13-beta.zip
VT of .rar: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/...37240aacb86f23e88674456c00744b64df7/analysis/
GitHub: https://github.com/Newcomer1989/TSN-Ranksystem
- Copyright to http://ts-n.net/ranksystem.php
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