9, 10 version in closed test5.0.0-beta.10 any 1 have ?
9, 10 version in closed test
async checkBetaPermission() {
const e = await _.default.account.GetAccountPermissions();
//e && e.includes("beta") ? this.$emit("on-complete") : this.launchSpinner = !1
get hasBetaPermission() {
return true
//null !== _.default.account.data && _.default.account.data.permissions.includes("beta")
Code contains much more check, that is just one of them. So I tested all of them, and it doesnt work. Not that its impossible to bypass this, I just dont have time.I got in by searching and replacing some code with this:
Code:async checkBetaPermission() { const e = await _.default.account.GetAccountPermissions(); this.$emit("on-complete"); //e && e.includes("beta") ? this.$emit("on-complete") : this.launchSpinner = !1 } get hasBetaPermission() { return true //null !== _.default.account.data && _.default.account.data.permissions.includes("beta") }
But its all offline.. can't connect to servers
Here is working offline version of TS5 client. Type kalle in email to access.
Can you tell me how you set it up?
1. Install clinet
TeamSpeak 5 Client Windows:
TeamSpeak 5 Client Mac
TeamSpeak 5 Client Linux
2. Log in and disable the client
3. Edit \TeamSpeak\html\client_ui\main-*.js
delete line ~28655-28661
Code:const e = _.default.account.status.value === p.a.connected && _.default.account.state !== _.AccountState.SetupRequired, t = _.default.account.status.value === p.a.disconnected && _.default.account.state !== _.AccountState.SetupRequired, n = _.default.account.status.value === p.a.pseudo_connected && _.default.account.state !== _.AccountState.SetupRequired; (null === _.default.account.data || !_.default.account.data.permissions.includes("beta")) && (t || n || e) ? this.pushFullscreenQueueItem({ identifier: "beta-badge-required", component: z }): w.info("Not presenting beta badge interface")
5.0.0-beta.12 main-e69f192deef7751667c5.zip
4. Run client
Its offline version of TS5 so you can only see GUI, its not fully working.he says , can add server BUT dont connect